Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 8

I loved Chapter 4!  It was super insightful.  I learned that some of the emotions I have been feeling recently are probably a sign that something is out of balance in my life.  I don't know what out of balance yet but it helps to know that is a symptom of something going on.  I am totally dealing with "sanctified ignorance" in my life.  That's what I do totally.  I really need to have a defined goal.

Does anyone else struggle with taking responsibility for their own life? You're still responsible for it even if you don't want to take responsibility for it.  What I do is I have emotions, then I have uncertainty, then I don't want responsibility.  There's no undoing being born, and having responsibility for my life so I need to just try to take it and get a focused game plan and be responsible for what's going on in my life.

I want to look at ordinary as well as extraordinary ways to use my gifts and skills.  Sometimes I feel pressure to be extraordinary.  Maybe that's because I'm smart and that's what I think people expect of me.  For example I love playing the violin.  I've been in the 2nd violin section most of the time.  I would always try to come up with strategies of becoming first violin like practicing hours on end, putting my heart into it, having a right heart attitude about it, asking the director to take or retake "challenge tests" to move up to the first violin section.   It's not that I don't play well or enjoy it, it's that I was trying to be extraordinary in an area where I might just be ordinary. I have had some real moments of being extraordinary and I need to grow in the ordinary as well. Are we extraordinary in moments or areas?  I might not be extraordinary at everything but I can be successful in all areas.

Personal Checkup
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. Yes
10. No

What deposits am I making in the 7 areas of success?
My biggest deposits now are in the areas of career and personal development.  I could use a little help for the other areas.  Today I was able to take a rest as well as a nice walk so that helped physically.  Maybe I should try to work on one of those areas every day.

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